Living Word Lutheran Church has an active youth ministry.  If you’re a teen in 7th-12th grade, we have tons of opportunities for you to have fun and get plugged in with the church and other students as we all grow in our faith together.

Ignite Youth Group (9th-12th Grade)

Ignite is our youth ministry for students grades 9-12th.  Ignite is a place for students to better understand God’s Word and to learn to apply the Word practically to your life. All high school students are welcome to join us at Ignite whether you attend Living Word regularly, occasionally or not at all.  If you love the Word or want to learn more, we want to walk with you as you grow in Christ.
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
During the School Year
Most weeks at Ignite you can expect:
  • a ridiculous game
  • worship time
  • Biblical message
  • small group times to discuss the message
Some weeks we change it up with a full night of worship in the sanctuary, a trip to Cold Stone, or Christmas caroling.  We are pretty casual and sometimes a little rowdy.  All in the name of fellowship and Jesus. If you want to stay after, there’s usually some people hanging out for more worship, fellowship, or games.
Service, fellowship, and fun are core to Ignite. Our youth share their gifts and talents through service projects, fundraisers, mission trips, serving during Sunday morning services, and running annual events like the Valentine’s Supper and Easter Breakfast. 

Catalyst Confirmation (7th and 8th Grade)

Confirmation is held during the school year for 7th and 8th graders. We meet together on Wednesdays to share a meal, have a lesson, and engage in small group discussion with each other. Our goal is to give these students a firm foundation in what they believe and give them an opportunity to share their testimony to the church!

Wednesdays 5:30-7:00 PM
During the school year
What Confirmation Is:
Confirmation is publicly affirming your belief in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and your belief that by grace you have been saved. 
People often like having moments to look back on in their faith. Confirmation offers one of these moments as students affirm their faith and take a stand to proclaim it.
What Confirmation Is NOT:

Confirmation is not a hoop to jump through.  It is not just a certificate to get, and it has no bearing on salvation.

  • Attend Confirmation Classes weekly
  • Bring your Bible weekly to Confirmation Classes
  • Attend the Confirmation Retreat held in Feb/March
  • Participate in service activities
  • Take 20 sermon notes throughout each school year

Confirmation classes are taught by our pastors, who have written their own two-year rotating curriculum.  During one year, students learn the basics of Christian faith, including who Jesus is, what He’s done for us, basics of the Bible, personal faith, and sharing it with others.  In the opposite year, students learn about the parts of a worship service, their significance, and why we do what we do.

The large group lesson is taught by one of our pastors and the small group leaders are parent volunteers of our 7th and 8th grade students.

Small groups are divided by grade and gender.

Confirmation small groups engage in service project opportunities as they arise throughout the year.  We also have Confirmation Lock-Ins periodically, from 7pm to 11pm on a Friday at the church.

No, you do not need to have been baptized to be confirmed.

No, you do not need to be a member to be confirmed or to attend confirmation classes.  However, once somebody is confirmed by our church, they are considered a member.

Yes, you can bring a friend to Confirmation Classes and your friend can join the teaching and be confirmed too if they would like.

Confirmation typically begins in 7th and 8th grade.  However, age is not a requirement for confirmation.  Classes are open to anyone 7th grade and older.   If you are outside the typical age for Confirmation Classes and would like to be confirmed, contact the Director of Youth Ministry for information and how to register.  

If parents, the youth, and the pastor all feel the youth is ready to be confirmed, Confirmation Sunday is held in October of the youth’s 9th grade year.

Got Questions?

Contact Director of Youth Ministry Emma Wollan with any questions!

Phone: (507) 337-9673

“So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

1 Thessalonians 2:8