In September of 2009, a small group of people began meeting to share a common interest in submitting to the authority of the Spirit and Truth of the Word of God in their lives. They held several Sunday morning gatherings in individual homes to share scripture, prayer, and fellowship. This time of bonding planted the seeds leading to the formation of a new church. Living Word Lutheran Church was founded by 60 charter members in February 2010. The first formal service was held on Ash Wednesday in the newly rented space at Tiger Office Park.
Our congregation is actively involved in numerous and varied ministries, both locally and abroad. Since our foundation, Living Word members have shared their love for each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and have reached out to others to share that love. Through God’s grace, Living Word has experienced significant growth, and has been able to increase its mission and ministry locally, nationally, and around the world. We have been richly blessed by the Lord and are keenly aware of what scripture reminds us, that we are blessed to be a blessing (2 Corinthians 9:8-11)!
Vibrant worship and music are an important aspect of Living Word and are included in our Sunday morning worship services. We enjoy passionate Biblical messages, clearly spoken, that challenge us in our Christian walk, and present the Gospel in truth, grace, and love. In every aspect of our church, a strong emphasis is placed on God’s Word-in worship, in Bible ed classes, and in the daily lives of members. We encourage bringing Bibles to worship to follow along with the scriptures that are used in the service.
This small group has grown to over 1,000 active members. A building committee was formed in 2011 to begin the search for God’s will with regard to expanded facilities. The initial plan was to build a new facility on a 10-acre green parcel. However, the Lord had a much better plan with the availability to purchase the Schwan’s University facility. The addition of a new Sanctuary and remodeling of other areas of the facility are a fulfillment of God’s promises of prosperity, hope and a future.
The first years of Living Word’s life have been filled with challenges, excitement and growth. God is SO good! There are so many stories to be shared of how God has used Living Word to transform both lives and families. We know that God is not finished with us. His plans are always bigger and more challenging than we could ever imagine. We are excited to discover together what God has in store for Living Word as we step into the next decade of Living God’s Word and Sharing God’s Love!